Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's a dog-eat-dog world.

Traumatic. That is how I explain yesterday.
I got a call at work that my baby (my 8 year old pure bred Pitbull) Eve, was refusing to stand. I was so nervous. She had a knee replacement in the spring and it was discovered that she had a degenerative knee disease that is similar to rheumatoid arthritis. The doc had told us that she would need her other knee replaced eventually, but we had no idea that it would be this soon.
I called her vet right away and they were able to get us in.
I left work and when I got home, she looked so sad. Talk about breaking my heart! I wrapped her in her sherpa blanket and Dan and I loaded her in the backseat.
Eve loves going for car rides but whether it is the vet, or the groomer, she hates them all.
When we got into our exam room, it was like 10,000 degrees in there. Her vet is really amazing, but there was a new nurse there and I swear, she was built like a Hungarian cattle herder. She was a beast. And she was really man handling Eve! I didn't like it one bit.
So of course, I am tearing up, and sweating, and Eve is looking at me like, "Get me outta here Mom!" I felt rotten to say the least.
Her surgery will cost $1400. We cant afford that right this minute with the holidays coming up but he said that we can do it after the first of the year. Hopefully we can get the extra dollars by then.
For now, she is on complete bed rest, pain meds, and a diet. Her vet said she is 5 lbs overweight so we need to cut down her food. When I gave her breakfast this morning, she stared at her bowl like I had barely given her anything. :-(
And now in the morning, in addition to the fish oil I already give her, I have to give her this liquid pain killer and antiinflammatory called Metacam. She most certainly did NOT like me squirting that stuff in her mouth. My coworker Lynn has left over Tramadal pain killers from when her dog was ill and she is going to give them to me. Those are little doggy narcotics that kill the pain and help her sleep at night. I checked with Dr. Daugherty about the Tramadal and he gave us the OK to give it to her.
Hopefully we can just keep her content and comfortable until her surgery. Keep your fingers crossed!

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