Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A quick hello

Hi everyone!  How are we doing today?

I realized I hadn't been around lately.   I am a slacker loser.  Anyhey, things are going well on the baby front.  I will be 15 weeks on Friday and chugging right along.  Unfortunately, my morning-noon-and-night sickness STILL has not passed.  I am praying that I am not one of those pregnant women that are on the verge of vomiting like every 30 seconds.  It is really hard to try and enjoy this magical time when I am constantly gagging and violently retching.  My appetite is really still not there.  I try to make the food I can eat count, though.  I am trying to eat lots of whole wheat, fruits, proteins, and veggies.  Sometimes and I do splurge and eat a bag of gummy worms.  I am still using the BNatal sickness suckers, but I have also found these things called Preggie Pop Drops and unlike the BNatals, which you can only use every 6 hours, Preggie Pop Drops can be used any time.  I find that these two things have really helped me. 
I have also noticed that my nose is ultra sensitive.  If something smells gross, or ripe, or stale, I am immediately gagging.  The other day, Robert had a left over hamburger in the fridge, and he didn't wrap it up all the way, and the smell made me wretch for a minute straight!  ICK!

I have my next doctor's appointment on the 20th.  I am excited for it.  I feel like I have been in there so much. At my 12 week appointment, we had the First Trimester Screening.  There is an opening at the back of the baby's neck that is called a Nuchal and during the ultrasound, they need to take measures of it.   It is a marker for certain birth defects.  This nuchal is only visible until 14 weeks.  At the 12 week appointment, the baby was moving around too much and they couldn't see it. And we tried everything!  Internal ultrasound, external ultrasound, full bladder, empty, bladder, the whole nine.  This baby just kept wanting to look at Mommy and Daddy.  :-)
The scheduled me to come back a week later to see if we could see it again. 
A week goes by, I go in.  Once again, I was carrying a full bladder.  We tried everything again, but my baby was too busy dancing!  Since we couldn't see the nuchal this time, I had to have a quad screening blood test at my 20th appointment.  For some reason, they need to take blood out of all four of my fingers.  Weird.
I will also get my first measure of the fundus.  Fun.  Robert can't come to this appointment so Debbiemom will tag along.  She is just dying to hear the baby's heartbeat.  And I have to admit, it is pretty magical.

Hmmm.. I have just completely lost my train of thought, and can't remember what else I was going to post.  Perhaps that is a sign that I should get back to work huh?  I hope everyone is doing well! 


1 comment:

  1. Glad everything is going great! Hope you get some relief from the morning sickness soon, but I always liked having it because it meant the baby was doing good at the time.
