Hey gals!
How has everyone been?
I am trying to stay on top of posting because I don't want to become one of those bloggers that blogs likes nuts for a while and then falls off the face of the planet. Especially since this blog means so much to me.
I am a little over 9 weeks pregnant now. I am very excited, but still scared. Last week, on Thursday, I went to the bathroom before lunch. When I wiped, I discovered I was bleeding.
Cue the panic.
I ran back to my office and Lynn drove me to Dr. S's office. I couldn't even control the tears. They got me in for an internal ultrasound and discovered an internal bleed. Apparently they are kind of rare (so of course it happens to me!!) and I needed to go on bed rest for a few days. I was beyond scared.
I quit bleeding by the time I left and I was hoping the worst was over.
Later that night, I started again.
I was crushed.
I called my dad and got a huge dose of prayers and positivity. He told me to just "feed" the baby positivity and light. I did that all weekend. I sat around, laid around, and was basically a vegetable. I am not used to being a lump so I ended up getting my back spasms again. Awesome.
I had my follow up this morning and it was the first time I wished the weekend would speed by. Debbiemom came and picked me up because Robert had to work and I didn't want to go by myself.
All we needed to see was that little heart beating away and a nice healthy baby....
..... and that's exactly what we saw!
I am so relieved. I cried so hard. I knew this baby was a fighter. The bleed has healed and Dr. S said I shouldnt have anything to worry about. I am on a zero lifting restriction and I need to basically baby myself for the rest of my pregnancy. I can still do my day to day stuff, but I can't overexert myself.
I have my next appointment on May 24th and Robert has that day off and finally gets to go. I am very excited.
Thanks to those that knew what was going on and sent me the good vibes and prayers. Keep them coming!
I also promise that I will be more diligent with my updating!
Have a good night everyone!
I'm so glad everything is going well! I didn't know about the scares but I'm glad it's been resolved!