Monday, March 14, 2011

And she said, "Sorry for the delay folks..."

Baby is finally here.

Not for us obviously, but for our wonderful friends I have been telling you about.  My friend Meghan went into labor on Thursday and went to the hospital.  We all thought this was it, but she got sent home.  She went to the hospital and was sent home four times!  On the fourth time, she told the doctors that she wasn't going to come back until her water broke. 
Friday was her due date and it came and went.  We had been constantly texting back and forth and I was checking up on her. 

Saturday evening at 5:30pm, I got the text:  My water broke and I am going to the hospital. 

Oh, I definitely cried.  I was so happy for her.  What an amazing round of feelings she must have had.

I checked in every few hours to check progress.  I went to bed at midnight and baby still hadn't made an appearance.  This kid was on it's own schedule.  I told Tyler to still text me so I would wake up in the morning and see it.  They hadn't known the sex of the baby so it was going to be a big surprise. 

When I woke up at 7am yesterday morning, my text alert light was blinking. 
Lily MaryAnn born at 6:21am.  8lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long.  It's a girl!

Cue more tears.  I couldn't wait to see her.  Meghan rested up and we decided to go there at 2pm.  I pretty much ran up the sidewalk to the hospital.  We stopped and got her some pink flowers, and took the longest elevator ride ever.
When we got to the room, Meg looked outstanding.  She was glowing, her hair looked great and she had this look on her face of pure joy and contentment.  It was really nice to see.  They had lots of family there and I was only able to steal a quick moment with Lily.  She was perfect.  Soft little feet, dreamy look on her face, and swaddled up all safe and sound.  Isn't she precious?

I smelled her head and gave her back to mama.  Of course that familiar lump built simultaneously in my throat and uterus, but I was able to keep them somewhat at bay.  Here is the new little family:

As I have told you before, I have a pretty amazing husband.  He knew I was bumming out and decided to take me out to a nice lunch and basically dote on me for the rest of the day.  He was really sweet and supportive.  I definitely needed that.

Thoughts of babies and pregnancies and everything else imaginable ran through my head last night.  I could barely sleep.  This morning when I got to work, I was proudly showing off pictures of Lily to my coworkers; the newest member of our circle of friends.  When I got to Lynn's office to show her, she didn't seem that enthused.  So I said with a smile, "Let me guess.... not a mushy baby type?"
Lynn looked at me with such a heartfelt look in her eyes and said, "It's not that.  I'm just feeling badly for how hard this must be on you."
She really understands me and really knows how this IF thing has effected me.  Though you may never see it, Thanks Lynn.

I am thrilled to get to spend time with a new little baby.  Lily is just wonderful and I can't wait to spoil her.
I am supposed to ovulate tonight so I am starting on the progesterone today and I will take it until I either get AF or a BFP.  Let's hope it is the latter... mmmkay?

Hope everyone has a good week!

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