Last week, a friend of mine had a giant loss.
When we were in Children's for Sully's surgery, I received a call from an old friend of mine, M. I hadn't spoken to her in a while & we were so busy that I didn't have time to chat. I sent her a quick message & told her I would talk to her soon.
She & her husband have two boys, ages 5 & 2, & she was currently pregnant. M learned that she was carrying her long awaited girl.
When I sent M the message, I learned the devastating reason for her phone call.
During a routine ultrasound, her doctors discovered that the baby had Tricuspid Atresia. Unlike Pulmonary Atresia, which Sully has, and just affects the pulmonary valve, Tricuspid Atresia is where the entire right side of the heart fails to develop. Her daughter would now need to see cardiologists & have similar surgeries like Sully.
As sad as this news was, I told her that now it was time to find all her strength & solider on. God doesn't give cardiac babies to just anyone.
M seemed to take the diagnosis with stride & grace. She & her husband started planning for a delivery at a specialized hospital & researching the defect.
Two weeks ago, her doctor found fluid in the babies abdominal cavity & lungs. This is called Hydrops.
She was then told she would have to travel to Minneapolis to meet with the fetal cardiologist & quite possibly have to deliver. She was 26 weeks.
Last Monday, she & her husband traveled to Minneapolis. Tuesday morning they met with the fetal cardiologists. She then learned that the Hydrops was not caused by the defect, but by a separate issue, & could not be treated.
M was sent to the operating room for a C-Section. Baby Abrielle was born shortly after 11am. She lived for one hour & five minutes. M shared a picture of her, & she was beautiful.
When I learned of Abrielle's passing, I was feeding Sully. I held him so tightly as I quietly cried. I remembered how lucky I am that Sully is doing so well. He's my miracle.
M is being very strong right now & we pray for her & her family evey day.
I felt very strongly about telling baby Abrielle's story. Her parents are strong people & it is a blessing that they were at least able to hold her before she went home to the Heavenly Father. What I want you to take away from this is gratitude. Gratitude for your life & the people in it. Be grateful for what you have. Hug your friends & family extra tight. Pray. Love. Enjoy your life everyday. You never know when life will throw you a curveball. A giant, earth shattering curveball.
I am so sorry about your friend's loss.