Thursday, November 10, 2011

Verdict: Preeclampsia

I got my test results back yesterday and turns out that I do in fact have preeclampsia.  I am absolutely heartbroken over this.  I know there isn't anything I could have differently, but I am still disappointed.
The protein testing they did on my urine, came back yesterday.  The normal range is 28-141 and anything elevated above that is preeclampsia.  My protein level was 623.  Yea... I really got it up there didn't I?

Luckily, I got to speak to Dr. S's nurse, Heather, yesterday, whom I adore.  At my biophysical profile ultrasound today, they are looking for four things, for a total of eight points.  The four things are: Fetal Movement, Fetal Tone, Breathing and Amniotic fluid levels.  Each of the four things are worth two points a piece, giving me 8 points.
Depending on what they see at this ultrasound at 11:00am, they can either decide to do a C -Section today, they could induce today or they could schedule either of those for next week.  It looks like I am heading towards some bed rest.  :-(  I wasn't prepared to leave work so early, but I am grateful that I have such an amazing temp coming for me. 
To be completely honest, I am scared to death.  I just want him here and safe.  I don't want to come this far and have something be wrong.  I have tried so hard to have such a good, healthy pregnancy, and this is kind of making me feel like a failure.

I keep staring at the clock and hoping these next 26 minutes speed by so I can leave and go to my appointment.  Send your prayers and positive vibes this way!



  1. I'm sorry Courtney! I can only imagine how scary this is. Sending prayers your way that baby gets to bake a little longer and that you both stay happy and healthy!

  2. Sorry to hear about the preeclampsia. Hope you have a safe delivery whenever it may be. Also, the nursery looks great!

  3. I'm sorry to hear that. Sending T&P! I know your doctor will take good care of you, though! PS--I did email you back! Not sure if you got it or not.
