Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

I swear, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  It seems as though Robert and I have something going on every minute of every day.  I am actually looking forward to a day, hopefully soon, where I can stay in my jammies and relax!

This past weekend, we went to the cabin to open it up and put in the docks.  I couldn't be much help this year because of the list restriction, but I watched! :-)  It was still pretty chilly.  You could even see your breath!  Robert's least favorite part is putting his waders on and going in the lake to secure the docks; be he looks so cute when he does it:

It is about a two hour drive to the cabin and then two hours home.  I was so exhausted by the time we got back.  We had to hurry up and shower and go to a going away party.  Here is the sad part of my post: Tonight, my little brother Nick leaves for Camp Ripley.  He is being deployed.  We have his deployment  ceremony on May 28th.   Dad and Sandymom are flying home for it so we can all be together.  Combined with the pregnancy hormones, I have been a wreck.  I don't know how I am going to be able to let him go so far away for a whole year.  It really breaks my heart.  I call him Bear Cub or Cub, and he calls me Mama Bear.  I have three younger brothers and I assume the role of resident mom now that Sandymom and Dad are living out of state.  It's going to be very hard to say goodbye to my Bear Cub:

We have another busy week and weekend ahead of us, so I better get crackin'.  Have a good Tuesday!

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